The post-crisis treatment procedure has been reopened
In 2021, when the Covid-19 epidemic was still raging, the public authorities had introduced, on a temporary basis until June 2
Meal vouchers
Created more than 50 years ago, meal vouchers are payment vouchers granted on an optional basis by employers to their employees to pay for a meal in a restaurant or to buy prepared food (ready meals, prepared salads, sandwiches, etc.) in certain shops. They are financed jointly by the employer and the employee. Exceptionally, from August 18
Tax claims
If an error has been made in the calculation of the taxation of your company or if you have failed to claim a tax benefit, such as a tax reduction, you can obtain relief from the corresponding tax share by filing a tax claim with the tax authorities. However, after December 31
Olympic Games and gifts to employees
To encourage a broad participation of the French in the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris in 2024, URSSAF has indicated that exceptional conditions of exemption from social security contributions will apply to vouchers and gifts awarded to employees in the context of these competitions. Thus, in 2024, gifts in kind (tickets, transport, accommodation, various gifts, etc.) and/or vouchers offered to employees for the Olympic and Paralympic Games will escape social security contributions up to a limit of 25% of the monthly Social Security ceiling per beneficiary and per calendar year, i.e., up to a limit of €966.
(1) Cotisation Foncière des Entreprises (CFE) = Company Real Estate Contribution.
(2) Cotisation sur la Valeur Ajouté des Entreprises (CVAE) = Company Value-Added Contribution.
Copyright : Les Echos Publishing 2023
Crédits photo : Carbonero Stock