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In order to promote the vocational guidance of young people, the public authorities have introduced a sequence of observation in a professional environment, in other words an internship, for the benefit of students in general and technological secondary school (i.e. about 560,000 students). This 2-week course will take place this year from 17 to 28 June.

Note: high school students have the option of doing a single internship of 2 weeks or two internships of one week each.

To post an internship offer

Employers who wish to host one or more high school students on internships have the opportunity to publish their offer(s) on the 1jeune1solution platform. High school students can then send their applications, in a dematerialized way, via the platform. Each application received is then listed in the employer’s dashboard.

In practice: to publish their internship offer(s), employers must create an account from the homepage of the dedicated platform, then click on «I want to submit an offer». In particular, each offer must specify the sector of activity (or profession) discovered by the student and the activities planned.

To host an intern

Once their intern has been chosen, employers must conclude an internship agreement with the intern (or, if the trainee is a minor, with the student’s legal representative) and the head of the school. An agreement that will be dematerialized on the 1jeune1solution platform in the «My internship agreements» section.

Please note: employers must appoint a tutor within the company to monitor the student’s internship.

Copyright : Les Echos Publishing 2024

Crédits photo : © Shannon Fagan