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Minimum wage

On May 1st, 2022, the gross hourly amount of the SMIC (minimum growth wage) is increased from €10.57 to €10.85. Its gross monthly amount thus increasing from € 1,603.12 to € 1,645.58 (for the legal working time of 35 hours per week), an increase of about € 34 net per month. As for the guaranteed minimum wage, previously set at €3.76, it amounts to €3.86 as of May 1st, 2022.

Exceptional aid for those engaged in road transportation business

Exceptional aid has just been set up to support road transport companies that are strongly impacted by the rise in fuel prices caused by the war in Ukraine. More specifically, companies involved in the road transport of passengers (coaches) or goods, medical transport (excluding taxis) and the trading of live animals. The aid is flat-rate, and its amount (from €300 to €1,300) depends on the sector of activity of the company and the type of vehicle concerned.

Access to a strengthened state loan

The government has just strengthened the State-Guaranteed Loan scheme to support the cash flow of companies affected by the economic consequences of the conflict in Ukraine (for example, due to the rise in the price of certain raw materials, disruptions in supply chains or the loss of business opportunities). This “Resilience” loan, available since April 8 and until June 30, allows the companies concerned to borrow up to 15% of their average annual turnover of the last 3 years, possibly in addition to a normal State-Guaranteed Loan.

Deferral of dues

Due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its economic consequences, some companies are impacted by rising energy prices and the loss of export opportunities. Also, these companies can request, from the URSSAF, a postponement of payment of their next instalments of employers’ social contributions. They may also request the renegotiation or postponement of the application of a plan to discharge their contribution debt. The possibility of deferring the payment of social security contributions also concerns self-employed workers who are experiencing cash flow difficulties related to the conflict in Ukraine.

Copyright : Les Echos Publishing 2022

Crédits photo : Michael J Berlin