Analysis of your environment, collection of benchmark data
Documentation of our audits based on tried-and-tested methodologies that have been enhanced over the course of our work
Formulation of recommendations combining the technical expertise of the Statutory Auditor and the pragmatism of the Chartered Accountant
A team of auditors supervised by experienced partners
Proven technical expertise in complex restructuring operations
Unique expertise in auditing research expenditure and COFRAC inspections
15 years' practical experience in all types of contexts
Recognised sector expertise, particularly in social housing
Regular practice of business valuation, a central issue in all transfers, mergers and partial transfers of assets
• Pratique des interventions avec des professionnels d’autres disciplines (avocats, experts techniques…) ou avec nos confrères dans le cadre de missions de co-commissariat aux comptes.
Sector audit pack
Digitalising our audits